Passengers with special medical needs


Medicine milk and food for babies are permitted, as long as the baby is traveling on the aircraft. Other items for special dietary needs are permitted, too.  These products do not need to be placed in the sealable plastic bag, as long as the amount is reasonable for the passenger’s needs and his or her itinerary.

Oxygen tanks are only allowed in the case of:

  • Gaseous oxygen cylinders for medicinal use with a prescription, provided their total weight is no more than 5 kg.
  • Cylinders used for prosthetic limbs, as well as enough replacements for the total or expected flight duration.
  • Oxygen concentrators certified by the Dirección General de Aeronáutica Civil with a medical prescription.

People with motor weaknesses:

Wheel chairs, crutches, canes and other items are permitted.

Note: People using electric wheelchairs must coordinate entry with the airline they are traveling with.

People with disabilities:

People with disabilities must fly with a companion, either a family member or guardian.

People with pacemakers and pregnant women:

The radiation given off by the walk-through metal detector is less than that of a mobile phone, so it does not affect people with pacemakers or pregnant women. However, passengers may request a manual check.

People with diabetes:

Diabetic people may enter with whatever medicine and syringes they need for the trip. Showing a prescription is not required. It is recommended they carry their diabetic patient card.